Japanese History

Please choice the period.


Kofun period

Nara period

Heian period

Kamakura period

Muromachi period

Azuchi-momoyama period

Edo period

Meiji period

Prehistory(Befor ca.ad.300)

◆Japanese History◆    
Paleolithic culture.
Ca. 10,000B.C. Jomon culture.
Ca.300B.C. Yayoi culture emerges with the introduktion of wet-rice cultivation.
Ca.A.D.1 Japan mentioned in Chinese historical records as the land of Wa,composed
of a number of states.
57 King of the state of Na in Wa offers tribute to the Later Han dynasty
and is awarded a gold seal.
239 Himiko sends an envoy to the kingdom of Wei.
◆World History◆    
A.D.334 Alexander the Great begins his conquest of the East.

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Kofun period(Ca.300-710)

◆Japanese History◆    
Ca.A.D. 350 The Yamato Court Established by this time.
552 Traditional date for introduction of Buddhism to Japan.
An earlier date,538,is assigned by many scholars.
587 Soga no Umako kills Mononobe no Moriya.
593 Prince Shotoku appointed regent.
604 Seventeen Article Constitution is Promulgated.
607 Ono no Imoko appointed leader of the second embassy of
Sui China.
630 First embassy to Tang-dynasty China dispached.
645 Taika Reform initiated.
701 Taiho Code complated.
◆World History◆    
A.D.476 Romulus Augustuls,the last emperor of Western Roman Empire,
deposed by the Goths under Odoacer.
589 Beginning of the Sui dynasty(589-618)in China.
662 Prophet Muhammad arrives in Medina,the Islamic Era begins.
624 China unified under the Tang dynasty(618-907).
668 Silla unidies Korea with the assistance of Tang China.

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Nara period(710-794)

◆Japanese History◆    
Ca.A.D. 710 Heijyokyo established.
712 Compilation of the Kojiki(record of Ancient Matters)is
complated by O no Yasumaro.
720 NIhon syoki(Chronicle of Japan)complated.
723 Kaw of Three Generations or a Lifetime put into effect.
733 Regional gazetteer Izumo fudoki completed.
743 Konden Einen Shizai Ho promulgated.
752 The Great Buddha at Todaiji is complated.
759 The Man'syosyu(Collection of Ten Ehousand Leaves)completed
around this time.
784 Capital moved to Nagaokakyo.
788 Saicho,founder of the Tendai sect,establishes the temple of enryakuji.

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Heian period(794-1185)

◆Japanese History◆    
Ca.A.D. 794 Capital moved to Heiankyo.
823 Kukai,fpunder of the Shingon sect,appointed abbot of Toji.
866 Fujiwara no Yoshifusa establishes himself as regent.
905 The kokin wakasyu(collection from Ancient and Modern Times)
is completed.
935 Ki no Tsurayuki composes the Tosa nikki(The Tosa Diary),
witten in the native kana syllabary.
996 Sei shonagon's Makura no soshi(The Pillow Book)is now
in circulation.
1008 Murasaki Shikibu's Tale of Genjihas now been writen.
1016 Fujiwara no Michinaga becomes regent.
1069 Emperor Go-Sanjo establishies the Office for the Investigation
of Shoen DOcuments.
◆World History◆    
A.D.800 Charlemagne crowned by Pope LeoV as Charles I,
emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
960 Beginning of the Northen Song dynasty(960-1126) in China.
1066 William,duke of Normandy,is crowned king of Engrand.
1096 The first expedition of the Crusaders.
1127 Beginning of the Southern Song dynasty(1127-1279)in China.

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Kamakura period(1185-1333)

◆Japanese History◆    
Ca.A.D.1185 Minamoto no Yoshitsune annihilates the Taira family un
the Battle of Dannoura.
Minamoto no Yoritomo receives from the imperial court the right to
appoint provincial constables and estate stewards.
1191 Eisai,founder of the Rinzai sect,returns from China and
begins to advocate Chinese Zen teaching.
1192 Minamoto Yoritomo assumes the title of seii tai syogun
(Barbarian-subduing Generalissimo).
1203 Hojyo Tokimasa assumes the office of shogunal regent.
Kaikei and Unkei sculpt the pair of guardian deities housed in the
Great South Gate at the temple of Todaiji.
1205 Shin kokin wakasyu(New Collection form ancient and
Modern Times)is submitted to the throne by Fujiwara no Sadaie and others.
1212 Kamo no Cyomei comolates his essay Hojyoki
(An Avvount of My Hut).
1218 Early version of the Heike monogatari(The Tale if the Heike)
in existence by about this time.
1221 Jyokyu Disturbance.
1224 SHinran completes the Kyogyoshinsyo(A Collection of Passages
Revealing of the Pure Land);Jodo Shin sect is established.
1227 Dogen establishes the Soto sect.  
1232 Goseibai Shikimoku(The Formulary of Adjudications )promulgated.
1253 Nichiren establishes the Nichiren sect.
1274 First of the Mongol invasions of Japan.
1279 Ippen,the founder of the Ji sect,starts preaching the "dancing
1281 Second of the Mongol invasions of Japan.
1330 Yoshida Kenko completes the collection of essays
Tsurezuregusa(Essays in Idleness)
◆World History◆    
A.D.215 Magna Carta issued,under duress,by King John of England.
1271 Marco Polo sets out on his journey to the court of the Mongol emperor
Kublai Khan.
1279 Kublai Khan conquers the Southern Song and establishes the Yuan dynasty
(1279-1368) in China.

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Muromachi period(1333-1568)

◆Japanese History◆    
Ca.A.D.1333 Kamakura shogunate collapses.
Kemmu Restoration(1333-1336).
1337 Emperor Go-Daigo escapes to Yoshino and establishes the Southern Court.
1338 Ashikaga Takauji receives the title of seii tai syogun,founds the
Muromachi shogunate.
1370 Form around this time fleets of Japanese pirates pillage coastal
areas of China and Korea.
1392 Northen and Southern Couets reconciled.
1397 Ashikaga Yoshimitsu begins construction of Kitayama-dono
(later becomes Kinkakuji;Temple of the Golden Pavilliom).
1400 Zeami completes the first three chapters of the Fushi kaden
(Transmission of the Flower of Acting Style).
1404 Tlly trade initiated with Ming-dynasty China.
1428 Peasant uprising in Kyoto and surrounding provinces.
1467 Onin War begins(1467-77).
1483 Ashikaga Yoshimasa settles at the villa that later become
Ginkakuji(Temple of the silver Pavillion);this becomes known
as the center of Higashiyama culture.
1488 Adherents of the Jodo Shin sect establish autonomous
rule in Kaga Province (Ikko ikki:Shingle-minded Uprising).
1495 Sesshu Toyo produces Haboku sansuizu(Haboku Landscape).
1543 Matchlock muskets are introduces to Japan by the Portuguese on
1549 Francis Xavier establishes Japan's first Christian mission
at Kagoshima.
◆World History◆    
A.D.1337 Hundred Years'War begins.
1347 Black Death rages in Europe(1347-51).
1368 Zhu Yuanzhang founds the Ming dynasty(1368-1644) in China.
1392 Yi Song-gye founds the Yi dynasty(1392-1910) in Korea.
1455 Johannes Gutenberg complates the Forty-Two Line Bible,printed
from movable type.
1492 Christopher Columbus lands in the Bahamas.
1498 Vasco da Gama,after a voyage around the Cape of Good Hope,
reachies Calicut in India.
1517 Martin Luther nails the Ninety Five These to the church door
at Wittenberg.

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Azuchi-Momoyama period(1568-1600)

◆Japanese History◆    
Ca.A.D.1568 Oda Nobunaga enters Kyoto.
1573 Oda Nobunaga ousts Ashikaga Yoshiaki;Muromachi shogunate collapses.
1582 Honnoji Incident;Oda Nobunaga is assassinated by Akechi Mitsuhide.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi initiates the Taiko kenchi(cadastral surveys by Taiko).
1588 Toyotomi Hideyoshi issues the order of sword hunt.
1590 Toyotomi Hideyoshi pacifies all of Japan.
1591 Sen no Rikyu is forced to commit suicide by Hideyoshi.
1592 First of the invasions of Korea.
1597 Second of the invasions of Korea.

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Edo period(1600-1868)

◆Japanese History◆    
Ca.A.D.1600 Battle of Sekigahara
1603 Tokugawa Ieyasu is granted the title of seii tai syogun,
founds the Tokugawa shogunate.
1612 Shogunate issues directives aimed at resrticting Christianity(anti-Christian edicts).
1614 TheWinter's Siege of Osaka Castle.
1615 The Summer Campaign of Osaka Castle;Toyotomi Hideyosri commits suiside.
Shogunate promulgates the Buke shohatto(Laws for the Military House)and
Kinchu Narabi ni Kuge SHohatto(Laws Governing the ImperialCourt and Nobikity).
1635 System of mandatory akternate residence in Edo by daimyo formalized.
1636 Dejima at Nagasaki completed.
1637 Shimabara Uprising(1637-38).
1639 Edicts establishing National Seclusion are completed.
1682 Ihara Saikaku publishes KOsyoku ichidai otoko(The Life of an Amorous Man).
1688 Beginning of Genroku era(1688-1704);the golden age of kabuki and
1689 Matsui Basyo departs on the journey of Oku no hosomichi
(The Narrow Road to the Deep North).
1703 Band of former retainers of the Ako domain,under the leadership of Oishi Yoshio,
carry out a vendetta against Kira Yoshinaka(Forty-Seven Ronin Incident).
First performance of Sonezaki shinjyu(The Love Suiside at Sonezaki),
witten by Chikamatsu Monzaemon.
1709 Arai Hakuseki becomes a key shougunal adviser.
1716 Tokugawa Yoshimune becomes shogun;Kyoho Reforms(1716-45)commence.
1721 Meyasubako is posted.
1767 Tanuma Okitsugu becomes grand chamberlain.
1774 Kaitai shinsyo(New Book of Anatomy) publishied by Sugita Genpaku and
Maeno Ryotaku.
1776 Ueda Akinari publishies Ugetsu monogatari (Tales of Moonlight and Rain).
1782 Temmei Famine(1782-87)begins.
1787 Matsudaira Sadanobu becomes senior shogunal councillor;Kansei Reforms(1787-93)
1798 Motoori Norinaga completes the Kojiki den, a maijor work in the National Learning
1800 Ino Tadataka begins his cartographic survey of all Japan(1800-16).
1802 Jippensha Ikku publishied the first volume of Tokaidochu hizakurige(shank's Mare).
1807 Takizawa Bakin begins publication of Chinsetsu yumiharizuki
(Crescent Moon:The Adventures of Tametom).
1809 Mamiya Rinzo discover the Tatar Strait.
1820 Konayashi Issa complates Oraga Haru(The Year of My Life).
1825 Shogunate issues the Gaikokusen Uchiharai Rei(Orser for the Repelling of Foreign Ships).
1831 Katsushika Hokusai's series of ukiyo-e Fugaku sanjurokkei
(Thirty-six Views of Mt.Fuji) begins to appear by about this time.
1833 Tempo Famine(1833-36)begins.
Publication of Ando Hiroshige's ukiyo-e Tokaido Gojusantsugi
(Fifty Three Stations of the Tokaido Road) begins.
1873 Rebellion of Oshio Heihachiro.
1839 Bansha o Goku (Imprisonment of the Companions of Barbarian Studies).
1841 Tempo Reforms(1841-43) initiated by Mizuno Tadakuni.
1853 Four warships of the U.S. East India Squadron,commanded by Commodore Matthew Perry,
call at Uraga.
1854 Kanagawa Treaty (Treaty of Peace and Amity between the United States and
the Empire of Japan)signed.
1858 Ansei commericial treaties are concluded.
1860 Assassination of Ii Naosuke (Sakuradamongai Incident).
1866 Satsuma-Choshu Alliance formed against the Tokugawa shogunate.
The second of the Choshu Expeditions.
1867 Formal return of political authority to the emperor by
Tokugawa Yoshinobu; Taisei Hokan (Return of Political Rule to the Emperor).
◆World History◆    
A.D.1600 British East India Company incorporated by royal charter.
1602 Dutch establish the Dutch East India Company.
1644 Manchus establish the Qing Dynasty(1644-1912) in China.
1689 English Bill of Rights enacted.
1776 Continental Congress issues the U.S. Declaration of Independence.
1789 French Revolution begins.
1804 Napoleon Crowns himself emperpr of France.
1873 Victoria becomes queen of England(1837-1901)
1839 Opium War begins in China(1839-42).
1858 China signs Treaties of Tianjin.
1861 Civi War begins in the United States(1861-65).
1864 The First International is founded in London.

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Meiji period(1868-1912)

◆Japanese History◆    
A.D.1868 Restorakution of Imperial Rule;Restoration.
Boshin Civil War(1868-69) begins.
Charter Oath promulgated.
1869 Formal return of domainal registars to Emperor Meiji.
1871 Postal service establishied.
1872 Ralroad begins operation between Shimbashi and Yokohama.
The Education Order is promulated.
1873 Gregorian calendar adopted on 1 January(Meiji 5.12.3 according to the lunar calendar).
Conscription Ordinance enacted.
Land Tax Reform Law issued.
1874 Itagaki Taisuke and others submit the Tosa Memorial.
1876 Treaty of Langhwa signed with Korea.
1877 Satuma Rebollion;Saigo Takamori commits suiside.
1880 Formation of the League for Establishing a National Assenbly.
Public Assembly Ordinance issued to control the Freedom and People's Rights movement.
1881 Imperial rescript promises the promulgation of a constitution and the converning
of a national assembly.
Jiyuto(Liberal Party) is formed.
1883 Complation of the Rokumeikan.
1887 Futabatei Shimei begins publication of Ukigumo(Drifting Clouds).
1889 Constitution of the Empire of Japan promulgated.
1890 Mori Ogai publishes "Maihime"(The Dancing Girl).
Imperial Rescript on Education Distributed to all schools.
First session of the Imperial Diet convned.
1894 Abglo-Japanese Commuericial Treaty of 1894 signed;it abolishes extraterritoriality.
Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 begins.
1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki signed.
Tripartite Intervention.
1900 Myojyo(Bright Star) begins publication under the editorship of Yosano Tekkan.
1902 Anglo-Japan Alliance signed.
1904 Ruso-Japanese War of 1904-1905 begins.
1905 Natsume Soseki begins serialization of Wagahai wa neko de aru(I Am a Cat).
1906 Shimazaki Toson publishes Hakai(The Broken Commandment).
1910 High Treason Incident.
Annexation of Korea.
Ishikawa Takuboku publishes Ichiaku no suna(A Handful of Sand).
1911 Treaties signed with the Western powers thah restor
tariff autonomy to Japan.
Nishida Kitaro publishes Zen no kenkyu(A Study of Good).
◆World History◆    
A.D.1870 Franco-Prussian War(1870-71) begins.
1871 Unification of Germany.
1876 The first successful telephone transmission is achieved by Alexander Graham Bell.
1883 Sino-French War(1883-85) begins.
1896 First modern Olympic Games held at Athens.
1900 Boxer Rebellion China.

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